Start: 06:50 Finish: 16:45
Total km., for day: 241,4
Camped at: N47.50509° E25.87272°
Nothing interesting disturbed me in the night unfortunately, slept long and well it was so quiet, the background river noise was soothing as well. Looking bright and sunny again.
All polished and rolling by 08:30 with plenty of photo stops on the way to arrive at Punta Monastery at 13:50. The building itself was interesting and the decorations, icons etc., were amazing. They also had a small museum with various very old books, some of which were opened and the calligraphy was beautiful.
Drove on afterwards to the end of the days planned route place going by the name Voronet, another Monastery there. Closed when I got there check it out tomorrow.
Been meaning to mention it all the time and kept forgetting. In every village there are more or less permanent Stork nests and so far everyone of them has been populated with a nesting pair which is great. Especially for all the folks out there waiting for deliveries.
Found a place off the road under some pines close to a river again. Sky opened up and there was a period of heavy rainfall, thunder and some rather impressive lightening. Freshen things up a wee bit. Had been getting pretty dusty.
OFR-10 25.04
Start: 06:15 Finish: 15:20
Total km., for day: 137,1
Camped at: N47.00409° E25.91003°
Early start after yet another good night. Checked out the Monastery. The exterior was completely covered in murals and inside was the usual expansive and opulent stuff. Shame nobody outside of the Monastery gets to live in such fine surroundings. Ah well.
Met a couple from Freiburg, Germany touring around in a short wheelbase T5 from Campmobil, the folks that did my T5 and Van. Interesting chat.
Diverted off my planned route up into a Reserve. The road dead ends and it is possible to hike off into the forest, but those days are over unfortunately. Beautiful all the same and I stopped there at about 11:30 for a brew up and a light nosh, all peaceful and on my own-some.
When packing up to move on I noticed, too late, that I had trodden in some nice fresh sheep droppings and had spread it all over the interior of the van. Hmm, have to let it dry and brush off. In the meantime shall live in a health farmyard smell.
Rolling again by 12:30 and up over a pass, 1,170m through a very large forest. Road consisted of 90% pothole and the shadows made it very difficult to navigate them. Trip is going to cost me a set of tyres I fear.
Another attraction along the way to keep one awake are the cows, horses and sheep that graze backwards and forwards, left to right across the road, and sometimes decide the centre of it is by far the best place to be.
Finally stopped at this location, is a camping place in season but closed. Owner let me park up and use the facilities for the grand sum of RON 15 for the night which equates to approx. €3,25!
First row is the old guy at the entrance to Breb. Think you've got eyebrows? Look again. The next one is local transport.
Rows two to three are scenes from the legal(?) distillery. The white fluid is the final product straight out of the still. Settles out to be colourless.
Row before last shows the two alternatives I was faced with today to replenish my supply of drinking water. Can you guess which was my choice?
Final row, despite my cutting off the horses nose and the back of the wagon shows what they are transporting in them. Just about anything and everything really. Hay, logs, manure etc.
Hope they are of some interest, click on an image to get an enlarged view, then you can page backwards and forwards through them.