Background to the HiC Photography Site
The World through the eyes of an idle bum
I consider myself a very lucky individual. Principally because:
I had the good fortune to leave the hustle and bustle of a daily working life about a million years ago, or so it now seems.
Having the means and wheels to get around has helped in getting to see and record things along the way and, so far anyway, the health to go with the time I have to indulge myself.
Combining all of these factors I find that I have accrued quite a fair amount of images and having reviewed them I feel that I would like to share some of them. Not because they are particularly good, have any artistic value or any other higher reaching values. Just would like to show what I’m seeing, and in many cases how I’m interpreting what I see.
The posts are essentially random, and as the heading mentions I'm pretty much an "Idle Bum", I really am and you will find quite a few of the galleries listed are as yet un-populated so if I have managed to awaken your interest, be patient but please do not hold your breath.
I hope they give some pleasure and/or cause some amusement, I would only be too pleased to discuss images and above all if I can move you enough I would dearly love your feedback and criticism. Only rule constructive and courteous. Don’t want folks going around being rude do we? If you feel like taking the rise out of either the photos or myself be my guest. Be as critical and/or cruel as you like. I have a thick skin.
It is all about fun, sharing and being a bit light hearted, and enjoying what we have in life. It is short after all so do not waste it, and whatever else you do, be sure not to be fooled into taking yourself too seriously!!!
Primarily I'm a Canon fan using their gear for capturing my images, but pride of place is the Pentax Spotmatic SPII, purchased in Jo'burg RSA in 1971, recently serviced & works just fine using a hand held exposure meter. The original thru' the lens meter is kaput and no parts are to be had. It is usually along on any trip. 17th. November 2018, a very sad day. Today the Pentax final retired itself and laid down and died.😢
Otherwise with anything else I could and can get my hands on, or was to hand at the time.
I also have a Portfolio of images at:
I had the good fortune to leave the hustle and bustle of a daily working life about a million years ago, or so it now seems.
Having the means and wheels to get around has helped in getting to see and record things along the way and, so far anyway, the health to go with the time I have to indulge myself.
Combining all of these factors I find that I have accrued quite a fair amount of images and having reviewed them I feel that I would like to share some of them. Not because they are particularly good, have any artistic value or any other higher reaching values. Just would like to show what I’m seeing, and in many cases how I’m interpreting what I see.
The posts are essentially random, and as the heading mentions I'm pretty much an "Idle Bum", I really am and you will find quite a few of the galleries listed are as yet un-populated so if I have managed to awaken your interest, be patient but please do not hold your breath.
I hope they give some pleasure and/or cause some amusement, I would only be too pleased to discuss images and above all if I can move you enough I would dearly love your feedback and criticism. Only rule constructive and courteous. Don’t want folks going around being rude do we? If you feel like taking the rise out of either the photos or myself be my guest. Be as critical and/or cruel as you like. I have a thick skin.
It is all about fun, sharing and being a bit light hearted, and enjoying what we have in life. It is short after all so do not waste it, and whatever else you do, be sure not to be fooled into taking yourself too seriously!!!
Primarily I'm a Canon fan using their gear for capturing my images, but pride of place is the Pentax Spotmatic SPII, purchased in Jo'burg RSA in 1971, recently serviced & works just fine using a hand held exposure meter. The original thru' the lens meter is kaput and no parts are to be had. It is usually along on any trip. 17th. November 2018, a very sad day. Today the Pentax final retired itself and laid down and died.😢
Otherwise with anything else I could and can get my hands on, or was to hand at the time.
I also have a Portfolio of images at: