27.04.12 Last long haul up through the three country triangle and down into Tromsø to the site we have used before. N 69°38’50” E 19°01’00”
Nothing special to see on the way. Tundra, miles and miles of it. The temperature ranged fro just below to just above zero and it was either snowing or raining all day depending on the temperature. Everything is still under meters of snow and all the lakes and rivers are completely frozen over. So I guess the folks down south should not moan too much.
Plenty Reindeer everywhere.
The picture below btw is in colour.
Nothing special to see on the way. Tundra, miles and miles of it. The temperature ranged fro just below to just above zero and it was either snowing or raining all day depending on the temperature. Everything is still under meters of snow and all the lakes and rivers are completely frozen over. So I guess the folks down south should not moan too much.
Plenty Reindeer everywhere.
The picture below btw is in colour.