PPR-24 18.04
Start: 07:00 Finish: 13:15
Total km., for day: 120,6
Woke up and a nice snow storm was having its way with us. Campsite is a bit exposed so I packed up and headed for the Hotel, parked there, had breakfast and posted the latest blog entries.
Decided to take the chance and head for Sortland which is to be my last island of this group having swapped everything around. Bit of an epic with all the snow and my tyres. Conditions certainly had me doing the brick thing. Still made it without problems parked up at 13:15.
After the obligatory cocoa at CircleK, filling all available water containers I went up to look at the Campsite, but no access all snowed in. Found this spot on the Quay in Sortland centre looking across the fjord at the mainland. N68°41’37” E15°25’01”.
Had a good lunch and settled down, have to admit the drive wound me up a bit. Cauliflower, Pea soup and a Pear. How’s that sound.
Had a look around the Mall and stretched my legs a wee bit. Found that the Mall has internet so thats fine too.
It’s just fine here so I shan't even bother with the campsite, can use the baby change room and toilet in the Mall to change my nappies.
Now I’ve sorted out the sleeping and keeping warm bit I’m sleeping like a baby.
PPR-25 19.04
Start: 06:00 Finish: 17:30
Total km., for day: 199,9
On the go at the usual time and set off out to the North west corner re-visit the places I was in 2013 along the route where I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the ditch. Passed that, no problems I’m pleased to say.
First stop Nyksund which was a small remote fishing village until 1975 when they all got up and left it deserted. Ghost town until about the 90’s when private folks started moving in again. Really interesting and good images to be made.
Just before getting there I had to do an emergency stop as near as make no difference, a Sea Otter would you believe, shot out of the undergrowth on the mountain side on my left, dash across the road, down through the scree, had a last look over its shoulder at me and off into the sea he was. Beautiful creature, would have been devastated if I’d done him a mischief.
From there out again and up to Langenes. Pretty little church there, fairly ancient which I wanted to re-photograph as last time, as so often, I cocked the images up. From there around the corner into Stø for a loo-see. It has grown an interesting camp site since I was last here.
Great views from here all along the west coast of Andoya all the way up to Bleiksøya which is sticking out there all by itself.
On the way back I took the loop out through Asvȯg which apart from the last third exiting through the mountains was all rather tame.
Then to top it off did the loop that leads out to Eidsfjord and round back to Sortland.
Turned out to be a long day but bright and sunny for almost all of it.
Was so enjoyable I treated myself to Bacon and Eggs and hard bored the other four to eat along the way somewhere.
PPR-26 20.04
Start: 07:00 Finish: 19:00
Total km., for day: Revised to 371,3 see below for reason
Pretty disturbed night because of the wind, but everything is fine and dandy.
Off to get the old rusty vehicles on the road to past Holmstad and also re-do the loop around Hadseløya which is the home to Stokmarknes and Melbu.
Noticing a large number of Bitten all over.
Anyway another successful day. Will camp on the mainland at a picnic area looking back over to Sortland. All tanked up and stuff so can move on first thing in the morning.
Going to see what the way up to Tromsø is like, if its fairly good will head for Senja, if not turn south. Weather forecasts are hopeful anyway.
Right, post this, quick wash and brush up in the Babies Room in the Mall and over the other side we go.
Weather looked so good revised plan and headed of straight away after posting this and landed up at the old German gun emplacement on the fjord leading up to Narvik. Camped at N68°27’15” E16°42’42”
Next post whenever I can.
Start: 07:00 Finish: 13:15
Total km., for day: 120,6
Woke up and a nice snow storm was having its way with us. Campsite is a bit exposed so I packed up and headed for the Hotel, parked there, had breakfast and posted the latest blog entries.
Decided to take the chance and head for Sortland which is to be my last island of this group having swapped everything around. Bit of an epic with all the snow and my tyres. Conditions certainly had me doing the brick thing. Still made it without problems parked up at 13:15.
After the obligatory cocoa at CircleK, filling all available water containers I went up to look at the Campsite, but no access all snowed in. Found this spot on the Quay in Sortland centre looking across the fjord at the mainland. N68°41’37” E15°25’01”.
Had a good lunch and settled down, have to admit the drive wound me up a bit. Cauliflower, Pea soup and a Pear. How’s that sound.
Had a look around the Mall and stretched my legs a wee bit. Found that the Mall has internet so thats fine too.
It’s just fine here so I shan't even bother with the campsite, can use the baby change room and toilet in the Mall to change my nappies.
Now I’ve sorted out the sleeping and keeping warm bit I’m sleeping like a baby.
PPR-25 19.04
Start: 06:00 Finish: 17:30
Total km., for day: 199,9
On the go at the usual time and set off out to the North west corner re-visit the places I was in 2013 along the route where I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the ditch. Passed that, no problems I’m pleased to say.
First stop Nyksund which was a small remote fishing village until 1975 when they all got up and left it deserted. Ghost town until about the 90’s when private folks started moving in again. Really interesting and good images to be made.
Just before getting there I had to do an emergency stop as near as make no difference, a Sea Otter would you believe, shot out of the undergrowth on the mountain side on my left, dash across the road, down through the scree, had a last look over its shoulder at me and off into the sea he was. Beautiful creature, would have been devastated if I’d done him a mischief.
From there out again and up to Langenes. Pretty little church there, fairly ancient which I wanted to re-photograph as last time, as so often, I cocked the images up. From there around the corner into Stø for a loo-see. It has grown an interesting camp site since I was last here.
Great views from here all along the west coast of Andoya all the way up to Bleiksøya which is sticking out there all by itself.
On the way back I took the loop out through Asvȯg which apart from the last third exiting through the mountains was all rather tame.
Then to top it off did the loop that leads out to Eidsfjord and round back to Sortland.
Turned out to be a long day but bright and sunny for almost all of it.
Was so enjoyable I treated myself to Bacon and Eggs and hard bored the other four to eat along the way somewhere.
PPR-26 20.04
Start: 07:00 Finish: 19:00
Total km., for day: Revised to 371,3 see below for reason
Pretty disturbed night because of the wind, but everything is fine and dandy.
Off to get the old rusty vehicles on the road to past Holmstad and also re-do the loop around Hadseløya which is the home to Stokmarknes and Melbu.
Noticing a large number of Bitten all over.
Anyway another successful day. Will camp on the mainland at a picnic area looking back over to Sortland. All tanked up and stuff so can move on first thing in the morning.
Going to see what the way up to Tromsø is like, if its fairly good will head for Senja, if not turn south. Weather forecasts are hopeful anyway.
Right, post this, quick wash and brush up in the Babies Room in the Mall and over the other side we go.
Weather looked so good revised plan and headed of straight away after posting this and landed up at the old German gun emplacement on the fjord leading up to Narvik. Camped at N68°27’15” E16°42’42”
Next post whenever I can.