Anyway was moving ahead and getting ready to meet up with No.1 son with his lovely lady in Bavaria close to Passau for some prime time together. Unfortunately Murphy was lurking and what could go wrong did so with a vengeance.
Early hours of the morning of 10th June found me in an Ambulance with all the bells and whistles on turbo getting a free ride to the University Hospital in Düsseldorf with a ruptured appendix and me feeling a wee bit sorry for myself. This also managed to cause a hernia.🤕
Anyway on the 24th June I was back home all patched up with two nice new scars for the collection and generally a bit chaste and sore. All's well though and time and perseverance will fix all and onward we go. Especially having had such a forceful demonstration that time can be very short and immortal we most certainly are not.
Only good thing about it was I had the biggest (legal) high of my life because before I went into the first emergency op they dosed me up with three bombs of Morphine. They had to strap me down to keep me getting stuck to the ceiling. They more or less kept me in the land of Morpheus for three days with a couple of small doses afterwards. Brutal they are after three days its cold turkey and no whining helps. Bang straight back into the real world.😡
Lucky again and its good to be around. Had to cancel the meet in Passau though for obvious reasons, just as well really, had a message from No.1 yesterday from Cardiff Airport. It seems an un-named member of their party had forgotten to check if their Passport was valid!😜 No further comment.
So revised plans for the year are simply to get as fit as possible for the trip across to Britain on 2nd August. Will drive down to Cardiff to see No.1 and Co. Then Stamford to say hello to the Very Besets in the World for a kiss and a cuddle. From there a ride through the Peaks to Cumbria and on to the Highlands.
Want to be back by 20th September in time for the Photokina in Köln. After that short local trips in the T5 and Caddy to get myself and all top fit again. Big plans for 2017 but I'm holding off on making any firm plans until sure that am up to it.
One good thing about it all is I won't be having another problem with my "friend" the appendix again, nasty little bastard he wus.