Good day. The first entry of to day is for the Banker whose comment is to be found at the bottom of PPR-11.
A gentleman, it should be noted, with a great deal of expensive gear, some of the most beautiful mountain landscapes around and whose only comment after a days shoot.
"Nuttin' no luck, no clouds".
Anyone seen anything of his works?
I'm not a fisherman sir. For the weather forecast go here, a lot of its content is of interest to them btw:
Both of the following images are from my bedroom window. The first taken on the 01.03.16 at 17:18 with an iPhone. (old and cracked one, that's the phone not me) The second this morning, 04.03.16 at 09:08 with a 5DMkII. The bedroom window by the way is still in the same place.
Mind you I presume the Bankers comment will be "Stick to your iPhone".
Talk to you all later and hail to all Bankers for they are Aunties to someone.🖕
Well not a great deal has happened around here since my earlier post. Cleaned up both the van and myself in case any of the French ladies on the Workshop that pitched up here a day or so ago, take a fancy to me. Don't think thats going to happen though, caught and overheard a couple of them trying to take my photo. Mutterings of a baby Troll or something. Of course that was most probably my bad knowledge of the language. In fact I'm sure it was because of my bad French.
Caught a group of them earlier on the beach enjoying the weather. Posted the image as "Todays Offering" as I simply do not have anything else for the day.
Have been watching some of the Photographic Workshops/Tours that are all over the place. As I mentioned above, this location has the second one visiting since my arrival, bunch of Brits, and now a group of French. Approximately numbers about 15 and 9 respectively. Some of the others that I have seen at various places of (photographic) interest are even larger, getting into small bus size. Me blood runs cold.
Its great for the locals of course, but even they are starting to say it is getting out of hand and in need of controlling. The islands are not that big after all. If you surf around a wee bit the folks are having to pay €3,000 plus for an 8 day 7 night stay, with guides and transport included. Not included are flights food and booze etc. Really gotta want to come real bad for that sort of cash. If I keep out of ditches and other kinds of trouble my trip will probably not cost more than €2,500 all in. Probably less, and that for nearly seven weeks. Wear and tear on the van of course, but that was why it was purchased. Certainly worn and torn I guess.
When you see them tumble out of their transport, as keen as they may be, really it makes you wonder why. They are all jostling for the best view point and so on. Not for me.
Add the fact we are talking serious money here that they are paying they are frantic to get their money's worth, understandable but can't be good for their general state of mind and health. They cover all age groups, but mostly middle aged, probably 'cos they gotta da cash, and also its quite hard work to boot.
The French lot seem to be pretty laid back about it, but the Brit's well that was something else. In for breakfast then into the vehicles with gear stowed away, Then chase around all over the place. Back for a quick lunch, and away we go again. Usually back about five or so for evening nosh, then sitting on tenterhooks in the hope that it happens at last. That which we are all desperate for, the Aurora. Which I don't think happened in their time. What you also have to consider depending on some of the locations which can be a good hour or two (in these conditions) drive away, and then to get to stand around in the weather because there are no parking possibilities. Ho what fun!
You'd see 'em getting out of the vehicles on their return, the male ones (can tell them 'cos they had brass monkey faces) were so chilled they were literally clanking as they walked bow legged across the yard I can tell you.
Think some of them even had soprano like tones over their nightcaps.
Weren't very positive in their responses to my cheery "Hi guys how are you doing this evening?" style of greeting. Some of the women responded though, can't think why.
All in all I suppose what I'm trying to say is I really am a lucky bugger to be able to do it my way and not have to do theirs.