Anyway stuffed full of good stuff now so should survive.
I'm holding my breath at the moment, the weather could be something this evening. Slight cloud but not a complete cover as forecast. Lets hope the weather doesn't notice and we get a showing tonight.
Just in case I'm going to grab a few 😴😴😴💤💤💤 and will not get around to posting any images until late or even tomorrow. I'm sure you'll survive. Just todays offering up front but nowt else.
Maybe later, fingers x'd.
Well I'm still in with a chance it's 21:05 and still relatively cloud free, now its the Aurora playing Prima Donna. Just have to wait and see.
Thats it for today.
Not quite, just after signing off they appeared very weakly so I took off and got set up. Managed about three images of which none warrant a showing, but I'll put the least terrible up to show. At about 23:00 cloud had closed in so packed up and back to base.
Hope for better tomorrow.